a june weekend in nyc

It's time for a weekend vlog in nyc! Come into a weekend in my life in nyc as I get ready for some activities as a new mom. This weekend, we surprised my parents and it was SO MUCH FUN! Things look a little different around here, but I'm loving my new role as a mama and can't imagine things being any other way. My mantra for the moment is "do less, want less, and live with less."

That's definitely been a challenge with Milo and all of the things that he needs, but I'm incredibly interested in paring down and eliminating the clutter all around me. I hope you enjoy seeing the different ways that we have adjusted to life with a baby!

One thing I’m learning as a new mom is how much your schedule changes (if you choose to implement a schedule and routine with your baby) once the baby is here. Whether you like to schedule or not, your identity as a parent can be wrapped up in another person's schedule, and it's easy to feel like you're a personal assistant to this child. 😂 It has been tough for Michael and me, but we are still adjusting to our new life as parents. I’m also learning that packing with a baby is a big deal.

We have to bring the Pack-N-Play (in fact, we keep it in the car at all times), the stroller, the car seat (our car seat doubles as our stroller), nursing equipment, pumping equipment, bottle equipment, baby clothes, swimsuits, sunscreen, teethers, food pouches….you get the picture. Packing light is really difficult but we’re learning and growing every day. If anyone is a minimalist parent when it comes to packing, please let me know your secrets!

The plus-sides to having a schedule with Milo:

- Having the ability to know when we can make plans

- Having a schedule of when I can work vs. when I need to nurse or pump

- Knowing when there are times I can schedule activities for him like music classes or mommy & me groups

- He seems to thrive on a schedule/routine. He lets us know when he's tired and when he wants to be awake.

Surprising my parents was definitely the highlight of this vlog (wait until the very end)! We came up to their house a day earlier than we said we were going to, and we got to spend some amazing quality time together. Check out my nyc weekend vlog and enjoy!

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