30th Birthday Vlog

I TURNED 30!! Welcome to my 30th birthday vlog! 😍 If you love cake, bubbles, babies, and postpartum chats, this is the video for you!

Milo is ON THE MOVE and has started crawling around!! Whenever I am cooking, I let him crawl around in the living room and explore all on his own, and he’s recently been crawling into the kitchen which is NO BUENO – especially when the oven is on or when I’m using knives on the counter! We are making necessary adjustments and ordered him a giant playpen so that he can be safe and secure in an enclosed area while still having room to crawl around. Make sure to stay to the end of the video to watch me put together the whole thing! More updates to come, but so far we are LOVING it, even though it’s very big in our NYC apartment and taking up almost all of our living space! 😅

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Something I have really been enjoying is virtual doctor visits. It makes scheduling appointments so much easier and in the hecticness of life, it just works so well for me. I’ve been chatting with my doctor about some digestive issues that have been coming up now that I’m almost nine months (what?!) postpartum. As I’ve shared before, I’m trying to gain weight since I’m currently at my lowest weight from breastfeeding. More details coming soon, but I’ve actually started the weaning journey!

We celebrated my birthday (+ Allie’s, obviously) at my in-laws’! They have the best outdoor space and I love spending time out there in the summer as much as possible. We had so much cake, so much good food, and an all-around amazing time with our family! I really think that your 30s is the time to solidify your life-long habits, and I’m READY to put all of these good habits into practice for the long-term (meditation, journaling, fitness, etc.). I’m entering a new chapter of life - the time is now. The moment is here!!

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