5 Days Of Better Gut Health | Try Living With Lucie | Refinery29

We are wrapping up this year with a topic that is very big for me, gut health. As many of you know, I had my gallbladder removed back in 2017 and before and a little after that surgery I had to really watch what I ate. My digestive system is back to normal now, but I still prioritize my gut health. This week I am going to be practicing 5 days of better gut health! Fermentation is so good for feeding the good bacteria in your gut so I focused a lot on getting in fermented foods. As you know, I also have been growing my own scoby and brewing my own Kombucha which is beneficial for a happier gut and better mental health! There are so many ways to take better care of your gut and it really just takes intentionality. Try implementing one of these today and how much it helps you!