Ready to change your life and start meal prepping? IT’S TIME TO MEET MY (AH-MAZING) MEAL PREP COACH, Elia ( @feedyoursister on Instagram... https://instagram.com/feedyoursister ) I’m not exaggerating when I say that she has quite literally changed my life. She slid into my DMs after I mentioned my struggle with trying to meal prep, and the rest is history! For the first time in my life, I know EVERY SINGLE ITEM that is in my fridge and exactly how I plan to use it. Come along as I walk you through Elia’s process and how you can implement her tips into your daily life too!

If you’ve been following along, you may know that I’ve been struggling to put on weight. I was at my lowest weight due to breastfeeding, and I hired a dietitian for some real support (@mpnutrition on Instagram)! Good news: I’ve gained a bit of weight since we started working together! I also started strength-training!

Marissa also recommended a list of foods for me to eat to ensure I’m replenishing all those good nutrients that were coming out in my breast milk. Having a list of foods wasn’t the tricky part…but integrating that into our family’s daily routine was the issue. Enter the unicorn that is Elia.

Have you ever opened your fridge (that’s filled with food) and blankly stared at all the ingredients that require you to actually get out the pots and pans…only to shut the door and order takeout? SAME! 🙋‍♀️I knew something had to change so I took the leap and hired Elia. I was COMMITTED and INVESTED in this change, and wow!! We kicked off our journey together with a HUGE inventory and reorganization of my fridge, freezer, and pantry. She had me purchase those clear organization bins and, within an hour, my fridge was not just pretty but entirely FUNCTIONAL 🙌.

Below are the links if you are interested!

Clear Bin Set: https://rstyle.me/+OtWbkB6gnyUW5Y50CY3NDA

Lazy Susan: https://rstyle.me/+MdeYj34ZKA3vtPUCi-4-GA

Meal prepping isn’t for everyone, but I have to say, I LOVE the peace of mind it gives me for the week ahead. I typically spend Sunday afternoons getting everything ready for the week. It’s the perfect way to set myself up for a successful week ahead. Do you enjoy meal prepping? Let me know in the comments below!

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