So...Here is a look at WHAT I ATE today in my 2nd trimester of pregnancy as a 29-year-old. I have been sharing a lot of food content on my Instagram stories lately showing you what I’ve been eating throughout this pregnancy. A lot of people have asked me to make some “What I Eat in a Day” style videos, but I have never made one of those videos (for a couple of reasons). Firstly, I would never want you to compare what you’re eating to what I’m eating and think that one way of eating is “better.” And secondly, my eating habits vary so much on a day-to-day basis, so there’s no “typical” thing I eat on a standard day. Instead, I titled today’s video What I Ate Today! You can view this as a "What I eat in a day while pregnant" or a "What I eat in a day pregnancy" style video...either way, this is what a full day of eating looked like for me on this day!

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