Finally Getting Myself Together as a New(ish) Mom

Getting my life together as a new mom! It's time to take care of myself and get back into my healthy routines. I’ve been a mom for 8 months now I’m really feeling like I’m hitting a turning point and coming into myself and my role! The postpartum experience has been so strange and to be honest I haven’t been fully invested in taking proper care of myself (after all, I have another human to care for, so all my energy has been going into him!). I finally felt inspired to start diving into some personal self-care, so come along for my journey! My Content Manager, Laura, is going through her own personal mental health work, as well, so we decided to become accountability partners as we start making self-care a priority again in our lives. We have both ‘fallen off the wagon’ with our healthy routines and lifestyle habits, so it’s time for a new mom glow-up and to get my life together! Since I’m nursing, my postpartum body is pulling so many calories from me and I am actually at the lightest weight I have ever been. I haven’t wanted to share this too much on social media because I know that most people actually struggle with the opposite problem, and I haven’t wanted to seem tone-deaf. But everyone’s experience is unique and so I’m finally sharing where I’m at. I know that I need to put on some weight so I am planning to work with a dietitian and a personal trainer to gain healthy weight and built my muscle. In today’s video, Laura and I share where we’re at currently with self-care, the things keeping us from putting ourselves first, and our plan to get back on the self-care train! We are starting to develop healthier routines like meditating for ten minutes, journaling for ten minutes, and stretching for ten minutes. Even taking just thirty minutes for this video, we both feel so much more refreshed and renewed, and we’re ready to continue!